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New environmental levy in Melbourne's growth areas

The Melbourne Strategic Assessment (Environment Mitigation Levy) Bill 2019 will commence on 1 July 2020 unless declared earlier.

The Bill will introduce a new levy to replace the existing habitat compensation arrangements (e.g. HCOs) in Melbourne’s urban growth areas.

The Victorian government committed to biodiversity conservation measures as part of the strategic assessment conducted under part 10 of the Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999 (Cth) in 2009. Some of these conservation measures included the establishment of the Western Grassland Reserve outside of the growth areas and conservation areas with the Melbourne Strategic Assessment (MSA) area. In the second reading speech for the Bill the government has identified that costs associated with delivering the biodiversity conservation measures have escalated.

The Bill will apply to a declared ‘levy area’ (expected to the MSA area). It is expected that the new levy will increase habitat compensation costs for various matters (e.g. native vegetation, Golden Sun Moth (GSM), Growling Grass Frogs (GGF) and scattered trees).

The levy will be payable at the subdivision stage of development. Transitional arrangement will apply where habitat compensation obligations have already been paid for land within the levy area.

This article does not constitute legal advice and is for guidance only. You should seek independent advice before making any decisions.

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